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1 Our Mission

Clean Bulding Technology

We develop innovative construction technologies with a strong focus on circular economy, driving the transformation of this industry.

Material samples

Material Science

In decarbonising concrete, we use natural, mineralmaterials in the required quantities, ensuring their reusability.

Production SEMBLA

Production Technology
Energy-efficient production processes are designed for high output, scalability, digitalisation, and the integration of proven technologies.

SEMBLA Masonry

Building Systems

Circular building systems create the material banks of the future. Buildings become sustainable investments as components are reused multiple times.

2 Unser Goal

Regenerative and Future-proof

We must transform the construction and building industry at high speed – to meet climate goals and build economically sustainable buildings. Regenerative, circular, and emission-free.

Polycare, Sembla

Secondary Materials



Our products are designed to utilise as many secondaryraw materials as possible.

CO₂ Emissions


Materials and building components store CO₂ as a carbon sink, rather than emitting it.




Circular building components create the material banks of the future by being designed for Reuse.


Effectively climate-positive

Circular and regenerative economies succeed when we consider both material and system component levels equally. We provide digital proof of their material compositionand construction configuration, ensuring information is preserved throughout the entire value chain: Reuse, Repair, Recycle (3R).

Polycare, Sembla

Wie können wir immer unabhängiger von Primärrohstoffen werden und gleichzeitig Beton zur Kohlenstoffsenke machen? Wir arbeiten an neuen Betonen, die puzzolanische Materialien, Kohlenstoffsenken wie Biokohle oder karbonatisierten Bauschutt enthalten.

Be part of the clean-tech construction revolution and stay up to date with our newsletter on circular materials and building systems.